Penguin Design Award
This piece is a book cover I designed for the fictional children’s book ‘murder most unladylike’. I created this as part of my module for the penguin design awards.

Woolly’s Hunt for a Home
Woolly’s hunt for a home is a children’s book I created for my final research project. This image is a snippet of the main character woolly trying to catch a fish. This book touches on the themes of adoption and the struggle of a child in the foster system trying to find a home.

May The Forest Find Its Home In You
Inspired by my lifelong infatuation with the natural world, this series of mini projects uses the medium of three-dimensional concept art to explore animal adaptation. This creature is an Elder God, guardian of rainforests on the fantasy island of Cassanyurnos.

Autumnal Slumber
This red fox has nestled herself amongst the Autumnal undergrowth, snoring away, peacefully dreaming of rabbits. Part of a pair of illustrations created for a textile design competition, it is centred around British Autumn, featuring native fungi, seeds, and flora.
Mother Room Roots
‘Mother Room Roots’ is a mini-comic created from randomised word prompts. The words generated were ‘Mother’, ‘Room’ and ‘Roots’.
From these prompts I constructed and developed an abstract-gothic inspired narrative; The project involves themes of fear, growth, motherhood and the challenge of breaking cycles.

STRANGER is a project documenting the lived experience of transgender people. For this project I most specifically focused on their relationships to their ‘deadnames’: the names they were born with but no longer use.
I aimed to create a work that explores these individual relationships to the concept of names through both the words of transgender people themselves, and a series of magical realism inspired illustrations to represent the adventure, magic and strife of these experiences in an uniquely interpretable way.


For Inktober, I used the prompts of Histober created by deadlypsyche on Instagram and combined it with the guidelines for Inktober. This image uses the prompt ‘Day Dress’.

Strathforth Shucks
After noticing that fantasy set in schools is more often than not set in boarding schools, I aimed to create a fantasy narrative where the protagonists attend a state-funded school instead. This is the front cover of the graphic novel.
Graphic Short Story Competition
A four-page comic I created for the Graphic Short Story Competition. It is about a boy who befriends cosmic entities by looking up at the stars.

llustrations I completed for Inktober 2021. The work displayed here was created in the response to the prompt “Hungry”. And boy, is he ever. Is it cannibalism? Is it even ethical? Who knows!


Portraying Masking through Image and Text
My first project is a young adult fiction story about two neurodivergent girls, Frankie and Miray. They are unaware they have been masking autism and ADHD their whole lives and slowly unravel this over the story.

Portraying Masking through Image and Text
Over the course of twelve weeks I have illustrated masking through a book cover, full colour illustrations and several spot-illustrations in order to bring awareness to girls that go misdiagnosed and undiagnosed as neurodivergent.
Picture This
There are a few things as charming and as attractive as spending time outdoors, especially when we are tired, stressed and overwhelmed by the noise and pollution of the city. The story of an image is escaping from town to nature.

Final Research
For my final project my illustrations were mainly based on my memories and stories from my mom and grandmother, when they were growing up whilst my country was occupied by soviets. Queues were a part of everyday life in the Soviet Union

I Can Live Neither with You nor Without You.
I did this project with the aim of adding LGBTQ+ representation into my work. The work depicts a double page spread from a scrapbook that belongs to one of the characters and holds the memories of their relationship.

This project aimed to explore dolls and their roll in witchcraft. The doll made here is one of the main protagonists, her name is Briar Carson, and the story is told from her point of view.
An Inktober challenge with a historical fashion twist, originally organised by @deadlypsyche on instagram, this project concluded with thirty-one original ink drawings of trends across centuries of fashion.

Funguary 2022
A monthly drawing challenge that saw the production of twenty-eight mixed-media illustrations inspired by many different species of fungi.

At Night We Dance
“At Night We Dance”, was a project I completed for our Contemporary Practice Module. The task required me to make a silent book of 16 double pages. It was based on the myth of the changeling, an old medieval belief.

Into the Woods We Go
“Into the Woods We Go”, is a project for our Visual Statement Module during the Lockdown. The original intension of the project was to celebrate nature and the visuals it produces. In its creation I merged physical with digital techniques.
2002 and 2022 Self-Portraits
It began with a self-portrait in primary school, twenty years later my journey in education ends with another in the degree show. After re-illustrating the first portrait for my dissertation I wanted to show my progression in art.
The two full-length portraits exhibited visually represent both my physical and creative development over two decades. Take a photo with me using #20yearsdrawingchallenge on social media!

Inktober 2021
An assignment for the Contemporary Practice module. I used the official Inktober prompts of 2021 to give myself more of a challenge. The main goal was to create expressive and surreal illustrations with an Art Nouveau inspiration.

100 Heads Challenge
This challenge was created by Ahmed Aldoori. I wanted to take on something that would take me out of my comfort zone. I tried including a diverse range of people to depict, along with dynamic angles and lighting.
Definition of Design
This was for my Negotiated Project which involved the exploration of the concept art industry through case studies and practice. This image is the culmination of many outcomes from random prompts.

XPawards Submission
This is a segment of an A2 piece I produced for The XPawards, which is a video game art competition held by Stakester for Students across the UK. It was inspired by videogames like Fable III and somehow Animal Crossing!


Playing Cards Queens
Humorous playing card designs inspired by the different meanings of suits of cards. These were made for a collaborative workshop in Authorial Practice where we made up a Fluxus box with pieces of work from each of our peers.

Whisk Taking
An illustration of a pun for the Young Cartoonist of the Year Competition, one of the projects I completed for Contemporary Practice.

Contest Entry: Journey
Borrowing the prompt “Journey” from Clip studio Paint’s comic and mange contest, I created this piece of a dragon. Inspired by classic dragon illustrations and the “Big creature vs little creature” concepts, this crocodile looking beast was painted digitally.

Street Stickers
As part of my Authorial practice, I created a few animal vs society themed stickers, as a way to bring fun harmless designs to the sticker-bombing street scene. This “knife-hog” was one of these stickers that I got printed.
Be Not Afraid (New Emergence Art Prize)
Although never submitted, this piece was done for the New Emergence Art Prize. It showcases the strange yet beautiful divinity which is Angelic in nature. Painted digitally on Clip Studio Paint, 2021

Be Afraid (Inktober 2021)
In stark contrast to Be Not Afraid, Be Afraid showcases the more fearful and unknown aspects of divinity. Unknown to the human eye nor mind, showing forces one should not mess with.

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