MA Creative Media

American Kitsch Poster
This poster was made for an art movements project in the beginning of my university journey. American Kitsch developed in the 1950s together with futuristic signs, the famous Route 66, and pin-up girls.

Book Covers
Alternative book cover designs for the Vampire Academy series and the novel, Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I have designed these covers in a way that I would like to see them on a bookstore shelf.

This photograph is of a location where man-made objects have been discarded into the natural environment i.e. the locations man no longer uses and the objects left behind.

Lost and found
This photogram is of found objects that are no longer in use, man-made objects that have been left in the natural environment, which shows the meaning of the word ‘discarded’. But this work is based on found discarded objects and reused for this artwork.

Project 01
My project idea is to combine the beauty of nature with something old and decaying. As life can be as beautiful, like blossoming flowers, but also it can be a dreary existence. You only need to look what’s happening around us from war to climate change. I have been made aware more than ever how our actions put us and nature in a danger of extinction.

Project 02
My first work, flower field with decaying houses in the background, medium used ink and pastel on paper.
The 3d work is of self-drying clay on a canvas where the flowers are rising out of the cracked surface.

D&AD New Blood Awards
I was tasked to create an offline marketing campaign for Gymshark, to entice new, younger customers.

Become a Beast, Become a Royal – Final Major Project
In this self-set project, I created a motivational video and poster to help to recruit new players for the local Worcester Royals University team.

I have been experimenting with photography for over 8 years now and this one is my favourite from my recent photo shoot.

Script for Beans
in a Beanie
Script for pilot episode of my own little sitcom TV show, that I started working in my BA course.

Sojourn Poster
Promotional advertisement for the short film, Sojourn, which explores the mysteries of life. In the film, a queue of people are experiencing another uneventful day, but nothing is as it seems.

Nick Looks Up
A still taken from Act 2 of Sojourn. Our protagonist finds himself confronted by Nick, a dismissive young man who poses an important question.

Visualising dragons from Norse Mythology
This project aims to depict the dragons written about in the old Norse Mythology. This is one of the more colourful sketches made to practice designing dragons out of already existing creatures and things in our current world.

D&AD New Blood Awards, Penguin
An entry in which I designed a few product examples for Penguin Books merchandise. These examples were to be appealing to Gen Z, and therefore has a more illustrated design than something Penguin might currently sell as merchandise.

On The Verge
A 3D animation concept focused on the plight of biodiversity and climate change through the eyes of insects living on a small meadow reserve on a roadside verge in a housing estate.

Exploring Motion Capture
Real actors were used to generate the movement of the animated characters, using the University’s motion capture suite. The actors worked to action scripts with movement data captured and exported to 3D animation software.

Women as Fruit
A small collection of poems about the sexualization of women and how society links women to fruit. The poem fruit bowl is my favourite out of the collection, using digital art and metaphors to show women as fruit.

Butterfly of growth
A passion project involving a series of photos filled with beautiful butterflies. Nature has natural growth and butterflies go through a short but impactful journey of growth and for me, that’s what this MA has allowed me to do.

Untitled 01
Illustrations are inspired by places that I travelled to and want to memorize. My illustrations reflect real-life photos transformed into digital art using technology – iPad, and a watercolour technique. This particular illustration shows my favourite coffee shop in London that caught my attention with its beautiful exterior design, unusual for London.

Untitled 02
Illustration of another coffee shop. I transformed the picture into digital art using Procreate software with the technique called ‘watercoloring’.

Your time to BE (D&AD New Blood Awards – Gymshark brief)
An offline campaign built on a travelling showing stand, taken around UK universities during welcome weeks and open days.

POV: us
POV: us is a short documentary series focusing on international students and their way to study abroad. Four students, four countries, four different cultures, religions, and habits.
I had been consistently impressed with the staff and facilities at Worcester University, and the unique combination of a one-year Masters course with wide flexibility offered within the modules made the Creative Digital Media MA the ideal course for me.”
Andrew Robinson, CDME MA Graduate
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