“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
– Maya Angelou
Holly Reynolds
I’ve always had a love for children’s picture book illustration and telling stories through pictures. Over the last three years, I’ve had the chance to work with various different narratives, both my own and those of others, to develop the skills necessary to tell these stories properly and
I enjoy the challenge of communicating ideas through image alone.
My go-to choice of medium is always paint in one form or another, although the freedom to combine this way of working with other media such as print or drawing helps me to tailor my work to a specific project or brief. Each project I work on is approached in its own way, but my work is almost always entirely traditional with only a little digital input, because producing something tangible and physical at the end of a brief always feels rewarding to me.
I draw influence not only from contemporary illustrators such as Sandra Dieckmann and Jo Weaver, but also from traditional fine artists and painters; I think the two sections of the art industry can influence each other, and I am always looking for new inspiration, whether it comes from the illustration industry or beyond.