“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt –
Francesca Hrizenko
During my time at University I have grown and developed both as an individual and in my work. The past three years have given me the opportunity to experiment with lots of different areas of media, which has resulted in uncovering my passion for photography.
My love for photography began with nature and macro – no matter how many photos I take I will always be in awe of the detail that a macro lens can reveal.
The accomplishment I am most proud of is that recently I was approached by an advertisement business to work as a photographer for them. This has allowed me to work with clients needing photos of restaurants, food and a clothing line to name a few – this gave me the chance to try a variety of photographic genres, broadening and developing my skills.
My course is major Creative Digital Media, with Minor Creative and Professional Writing. I carried out a work placement at a café managing the social media accounts. My role involved photography and copywriting and it sparked an interest in me, into the world of social media advertising/content creation.
Learning new skills at University has been a brilliant experience and I look forward to seeing what the future holds!